Being gay is an exhausting charade. I know this isn't a new concept but it's all my brain seems to have been thinking about as of late. See, I've been sick the last couple of days and have been restricted to the couch or my bed. I've had nothing to do but think all weekend, this is a dangerous situation. So. . . I have been pondering about all the effort I put into balancing my life between school, work, church, and friends. Just thinking about it wears me out. I'm amazed at the things I do and say, that have little conviction behind them. It seems I'm trying so hard to balance everything that I'm missing out on everything going on around me. I wonder if people take me seriously or see right through me. I never have a personal conversation with people because I can't openly talk about my personal life. If someone asks how I am doing, I'm programmed to automatically respond, "good thanks." I have decided this isn't healt...
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