Euphoria Comes From the Dentist Not From Coming Out
This morning I sat in fancy dental chair awaiting the verdict on the current state of my teeth. It had been 3 years (don't judge) since my last cleaning and I had just spent the last 25 minutes getting scraped, poked, scratched, and jabbed by the hygienist. Thankfully I didn't hear any ominous sighs, gasps, or 'uh-huh's' as the various dental professionals took turns looking in my mouth. Finally the M.D. D.D.S. walked in took 5 seconds and said, "well the only issue I see is here around [insert medical term for some tooth on the lower right side] but it's nothing major." Why did none of the other office personal say anything. Are they blind? Are they not qualified, is it above their pay grade? Or do they just not know what to look for? I suppose it is much like life. We have plenty of people poke and jab us, examine and study us, but none will confidently come to decision or a firm verdict on homos. Recently I had an acquainta...